Stress on Truss

In this example we'll plot an animation of the stress on some truss structure using GaphMakie.jl and NetworkDynamics.jl

using NetworkDynamics
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using Graphs
using GraphMakie
using LinearAlgebra: norm
using Printf
using CairoMakie

Definition of the dynamical system

Define dynamic model for NetworkDynamics For more information on the models see the corresponding example in the NetworkDynamics.jl docs.

function fixed_g(pos, x, p, t)
    pos .= p
vertex_fix = VertexModel(g=fixed_g, psym=[:xfix, :yfix], outsym=[:x, :y], ff=NoFeedForward())
function free_f(dx, x, Fsum, (M, γ, g), t)
    v = view(x, 1:2)
    dx[1:2] .= (Fsum .- γ .* v) ./ M
    dx[2] -= g
    dx[3:4] .= v
vertex_free = VertexModel(f=free_f, g=3:4, sym=[:vx=>0, :vy=>0, :x, :y],
                             psym=[:M=>10, :γ=>200, :g=>9.81], insym=[:Fx, :Fy])
function edge_g!(F, pos_src, pos_dst, (K, L), t)
    dx = pos_dst[1] - pos_src[1]
    dy = pos_dst[2] - pos_src[2]
    d = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
    Fabs = K * (L - d)
    F[1] = Fabs * dx / d
    F[2] = Fabs * dy / d
function observedf(obsout, u, pos_src, pos_dst, (K, L), t)
    dx = pos_dst[1] .- pos_src[1]
    dy = pos_dst[2] .- pos_src[2]
    d = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
    obsout[1] = K * (L - d)
beam = EdgeModel(g=AntiSymmetric(edge_g!), psym=[:K=>0.5e6, :L], outsym=[:Fx, :Fy], obsf=observedf, obssym=[:Fabs])

Set up graph topology and initial positions.

N = 5
dx = 1.0
shift = 0.2
g = SimpleGraph(2*N + 1)
for i in 1:N
    add_edge!(g, i, i+N); add_edge!(g, i, i+N)
    if i < N
        add_edge!(g, i+1, i+N); add_edge!(g, i, i+1); add_edge!(g, i+N, i+N+1)
add_edge!(g, 2N, 2N+1)
pos0 = zeros(Point2f, 2N + 1)
pos0[1:N] = [Point((i-1)dx,0) for i in 1:N]
pos0[N+1:2*N] = [Point(i*dx + shift, 1) for i in 1:N]
pos0[2N+1] = Point(N*dx + 1, -1)
fixed = [1,4] # set fixed vertices

Now we can create:

  • the Network object (rhs of the differential equation),
  • the initial state u0 and
  • the parameters for the individual components.
verts = VertexModel[vertex_free for i in 1:nv(g)]
for i in fixed
    verts[i] = vertex_fix # use the fixed vertex for the fixed points
nw = Network(g, verts, beam)
u0 = NWState(nw)
# set x/y initial conditions and xfix/yfix parameters
for i in eachindex(pos0, verts)
    if i in fixed
        u0.p.v[i, :xfix] = pos0[i][1]
        u0.p.v[i, :yfix] = pos0[i][2]
        u0.v[i, :x] = pos0[i][1]
        u0.v[i, :y] = pos0[i][2]
# set L for edges
for (i,e) in enumerate(edges(g))
    u0.p.e[i, :L] = norm(pos0[src(e)] - pos0[dst(e)])
# set damping and mass for "big mass" at the end
u0.p.v[11, :M] = 200
u0.p.v[11, :γ] = 100

With rhs, parameters and initial conditions constructed we can integrate the system.

tspan = (0.0, 12.0)
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), tspan, pflat(u0))
sol  = solve(prob, Tsit5())

Plot the solution

fig = Figure(size=(1000,550));
fig[1,1] = title = Label(fig, "Stress on truss", fontsize=30)
title.tellwidth = false

fig[2,1] = ax = Axis(fig)
ax.aspect = DataAspect();
hidespines!(ax); # no borders
hidedecorations!(ax); # no grid, axis, ...
limits!(ax, -0.1, pos0[end][1]+0.3, pos0[end][2]-0.5, 1.15) # axis limits to show full plot

# get the maximum force during the simulation to get the color scale
# It is only possible to access `:Fabs` directly becaus we've define the observable function for it!
(fmin, fmax) = 0.3 .* extrema(Iterators.flatten(sol(sol.t, idxs=eidxs(nw, :, :Fabs))))

p = graphplot!(ax, g;
               edge_width = 4.0,
               node_size = 3*sqrt.(try u0.p.v[i, :M] catch; 10.0 end for i in 1:nv(g)),
               nlabels = [i in fixed ? "Δ" : "" for i in 1:nv(g)],
               nlabels_align = (:center,:top),
               nlabels_fontsize = 30,
               elabels = ["edge $i" for i in 1:ne(g)],
               elabels_side = Dict(ne(g)  => :right),
               edge_color = [0.0 for i in 1:ne(g)],
               edge_attr = (colorrange=(fmin,fmax),

# draw colorbar
fig[3,1] = cb = Colorbar(fig, get_edge_plot(p), label = "Axial force", vertical=false)

T = tspan[2]
fps = 30
trange = range(0.0, sol.t[end], length=Int(T * fps))
record(fig, "truss.mp4", trange; framerate=fps) do t
    title.text = @sprintf "Stress on truss (t = %.2f )" t
    s_at_t = NWState(sol, t)
    for i in eachindex(pos0)
        p[:node_pos][][i] = (s_at_t.v[i, :x], s_at_t.v[i, :y])
    load = s_at_t.e[:, :Fabs]
    p.edge_color[] = load
    p.elabels = [@sprintf("%.0f", l) for l in load]

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